History Of Alternative Herbal Medicine


The history Of Alternative Herbal Medicine use and the administration of herbal medicine goes back thousands of years. Medical technology did not exist then hence making our ancestors use natures gifts. Medical technology did not exist then hence making our ancestors use natures gifts. Even today, current medical discoveries are mostly based on the findings and usage of natural herbal components by earlier civilizations, improving them to become useful in today's health-related concerns.

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Categories: General Wellbeing

Simple Steps On How To Take Blood Pressure Tests For Yourself.


However, there's more to hypertension readings than just high hypertension readings. Measuring your hypertension readings is a key way of regulating this, and there is the issue of low blood pressure and diastolic hypertension readings.

Measuring your hypertension readings requires a hypertension readings cuff. What used to be a piece of equipment only found in the doctor's office is now something you can buy for a reasonably inexpensively price at the local drug store.

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Categories: General Wellbeing

Simple Tips To Help You Reduce Stress


To identify your main sources of anxiety, take a close look at your attitude and habits. Ask yourself when was the last time you took a breather, learn to meditate, take up yoga or swimming. Release the negative energy and stop blaming others.. Physical activity Release the negative energy and stop blaming others. Physical activity can play an important role in preventing the effects of stress.

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Categories: General Wellbeing

When Vitamins Become Too Much For Your Body


“It’s possible to get all of the nutrients you need by eating a variety of healthy foods, so you don’t have to take one,” says Carol Haggans, a registered dietitian and consultant to NIH. “But supplements can be useful for filling in gaps in your diet.” Sourced from:https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/issue/aug2013/feature1

Like all drugs supplements also have side effects and risks.

This means that the numbers we have are likely very low estimates of actual events. Sourced from:http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/dietarysupplements/dietary-supplements-risks-and-side-effects

“Evidence suggests that regular use of high-dose vitamin E may increase the risk of death from all causes by a small amount.” Sourced from:http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2013/10/07/the-top-five-vitamins-you-should-not-take/#2715e4857a0b1047db621708

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Categories: General Wellbeing